This Youth Leadership and Advocacy Training brought together a diverse group of 30 participants, including young individuals, youth leaders, students, and aspiring politicians.
Are interested in joining our team as a Community Manager Intern? The Community Manager Intern role involves strengthening our community, fostering engagement, and facilitating knowledge exchange.
Young and safe aims to make Ho an inclusive and supportive community for young people in by addressing issues they face such as participation in city governance, sexual and reproductive health, mental health, creative self-expression, and unemployment among others
Ho Bike Tour organized by Node Eight, as part of the official regional activities for GhanaAt66, in partnership with the VRCC, AGI Volta, Oti and Eastern Region and the Ho Cycling Club.
Since we launched in 2017, we have never looked back in our five years of operation. Node Eight has invested in young innovators and startups building the future. We have […]
On August 1, 2022, we opened our doors to thirty (30) young people living in Ho, Volta region of Ghana to be trained in Digital Marketing. The Pre-MEST Digital Marketing […]
German development agency, GIZ in partnership with Ho Node hub have trained 50 women in Adaklu Kojobi and Have in basic Electronic Skills required to boost their ability to participate […]
The SDG Advisory Unit of the Office of the President in partnership with Ho Node Hub and Ho Technical University organized an SDG Innovation Challenge which included a Pitch Contest […]